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Cybersecurity Awareness Lunch and Learn


In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Greystone Technology is hosting a complimentary Cybersecurity Awareness Lunch and Learn event on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 11:30AM - 1PM PDT at the Water Grill restaurant across South Coast Plaza.

We would like to invite business owners and organizations of all sizes to hear from FBI Special Agent Bryan Willett on the importance of cybersecurity awareness, especially in a time where AI is now one of the contributors in cyberattacks. Learn how to protect yourself and lead the way in educating your organization. There will be opportunities for guests to ask questions, network and receive gift bags for this special event. *Must register to attend.
πŸ—“οΈ Wednesday, October 23, 2024
πŸ•¦ 11:30AM - 1PM PDT
      3300 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
*Vegetarian options will be available. 
If you have any questions, please contact Steven Truong via email here.


Our Presenter


Bryan Willett Circle Headshot

Bryan Willett

Supervisory Special Agent (SSA)


Bryan Willett has been an FBI Special Agent for over 18 years. He has spent the majority of this time investigating cyber violations and has worked in two FBI field offices and at FBI Headquarters, Cyber Division. He is a licensed attorney and has earned several IT Security certifications, including the CISSP. He currently works in the FBI's LA Field Office where he is the Supervisory Special Agent for FBILA's Orange County-based Cyber Squad.  


About Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is the month of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and since 2023, the CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has launched a cybersecurity awareness program with a new theme called Secure Our World that will be the ongoing theme for future Cybersecurity Awareness Months, "[recognizing] the importance of taking daily action to reduce risks when online and connected to devices." 

Cybersecurity Awareness Month is the month to share information and resources to help educate CISA partners and the public, and ensure all individuals and organizations make smart decisions whether on the job, at home or at school – now and in the future.


About Our Sponsor | ConnectWise

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ConnectWise is the world's leading software company dedicated to the success of IT solution providers. This is done through their unmatched software, services and community, and this is why more IT solution providers use ConnectWise's platform around the world more than any other. 

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We here at Greystone Technology dig deep to understand your business, share your vision, and guide your success.  All those things you hate about your technology service experience?  We understand, and we did something about it. We dig deeper to provide solutions that work in the real world, not just in sales proposals.

We’ve raised the bar, and we want to raise your expectations of what technology services can do for your business.  We’re here to prove that you can have better.